Friday, August 31, 2007

on my way

ever have days where you feel kind of useless? just sit around on a weekend and watch some local tv, shift positions because your lap top keeps burning your thighs, page down your list of contacts in your cell phone, think about calling someone but close the phone because you dont feel like investing the time to catch up, even though you have all the time in the world?

i had one of these days in may. i was sick of scouring monster and careerbuilder for mundane jobs and felt like making my worthless day a little interesting by googling things that sounded fun like teaching english in argentina or consulting in Dubai. it's so hard to find jobs in europe these days since they mainly want EU residents. i ended up finding some pretty amazing TEFL teaching opportunities in the Czech republic and Amsterdam that would lead me to Argentina or Spain. I got lucky though and found my dream job on a search engine in Dubai.

A quick inquiry got me a response 3 days later and we started the application process. 3 months later and here i am. just waiting to get there. I got my flight itinerary and I leave on 10/27. I can't begin to explain how excited I am. The process has been intense, emotional, and a bit slow, but i have a feeling it will all be worth it when i get there.

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