Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well, good news is that I am home safely. The trip back was quite a journey but I managed to get here in one piece. I neglected to recount tales of my last few days in Dubai since the last couple weeks have been rather consumed by goodbyes and lots of running around. I took many pictures so I'll be sharing those soon, but the good news is that i transitioned out of my last role peacefully despite concerns over labor laws and legal restrictions against expats. I have another opportunity in place that will be taking effect soon but firm dates are not yet set in stone. I will keep updates on here since there is always news to report about Dubai and life in general.
Namely, the day after I left an earthquake rocked Iran which took effect in Dubai! In fact the building that I will be working in was evacuated today around 3 PM where people were likely stuck outside and subject to the afternoon heat, many of them on empty bellies during Ramadan. no fun. Fortunately everyone I know is alive and well, but I cant imagine how scary it must have been working on the Burj Dubai during such a quake. This is a view from the 150th floor taken by my friend Matt who's been working on the tower for 2 1/2 years.

1 comment:

moryarti said...

So, how is the new job treating ya?