Tuesday, February 19, 2008

one hell of a vanity plate

In the UAE, there are many things that define a person's place in society. Materialism is an addiction in that sense and it stretches from the clothes on your back to the plate on the back of your car. Driving a Toyota Yaris, for example, gets me no respect on the road and I often find myself pedal to the metal, fighting for the right of way that I clearly deserve. People cut me off, arbitrarily honk for no good reason, and force me into the right lane because they believe my humble vehicle merits no place on the left, which I sincerely disagree with but accept nonetheless.

You can only imagine how good life can get behind a Lamborghini or Range Rover. That's not the half of it though. Your license plate number gets you even further, but there's a price to pay. Sheikh Mo drives license plate #1 because he is the most highly respected figure in Dubai. When you see anyone with a license plate relatively close to his (ex: 2, 25, 100, 200), you move over. These guys own the road and they aren't messing around when it comes to the number on the back of their car.
These plates come at a hefty price though. Two days ago, Saeed Abdel Ghaffar Khouri bought the license plate No. 1 in Abu Dhabi for $14 million. Check out the whole story here. Just a disclaimer, this man and I are the exact same age. I can't begin to think about what I would rather spend $14 million on...

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