Tuesday, January 22, 2008

and then there were four

Last night was a bit emotional for a few reasons. Apart from learning that the Giants and Pats will be facing off in the Super Bowl, we took a late night drive by the airport to bid farewell to Will. The last few months have been quite emotional, between surviving the holidays on our own to simple cultural indigestion. The office, in particular, is a tough place and it’s not for everyone. Sparing everyone the painful details of the local/privately owned sector and its made-up bureaucratic nonsense, and it is nonsense, I’ll simply say that Will was inspired to embark on an “epic” journey to Mongolia where he will be riding across the country on his own for an indefinite period of time on a horse.

I know, I thought he was kidding too the first time I heard the news. But he reassured me that he was serious and was already studying Cyrillic, which is the primary alphabet used throughout Russia and thereabouts. Mongolian horses are apparently much smaller, resembling ponies versus large horses, so he will probably be traveling on his own horse and bringing a pack horse with him as well. The staple alcoholic beverage over there is fermented horses milk, or kumis, and the temperature this time of year ranges between -35F and -2F. Maybe he'll cross paths with this guy, who's apparently been golfing across Mongolia on his own as well. I think Will's going to hold off before starting his trip because of the weather, but hopefully he continues to post on his blog with great pictures and tall tales of his encounters with snow creatures, mongoloids, killer vodka, and communists.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're writing is so beautiful and you are so passionate about everything you write. I love that you keep everyone so informed and involved. I wish Will the best of luck. I'm nervous for him but hopefully he knows whats he doing. Let's talk soon! I'll be in Phoenix for the SB next week!! xoxo - Lex