Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today I tried viewing a friend's flickr page and saw this:This happens to me all the time for attempting to view seemingly harmless pages. I’m not sure how the government prompts such sensors to appear, but it’s pretty frequent. Or perhaps my taste in web surfing is completely against the UAE code of conduct. Either way, since I live and work in parts of Dubai where local laws apply, so go the censorship laws. Apparently working and living in free zones allows you to surf unblocked sites, as the laws are slightly different and not as strict in order for non-traditional businesses to operate (MTV, CNN, Duty Free in the airport free zone). Next time you log onto think of me since we can’t even access that here!


Dan Bozek said...

Wow. No Skype?! That's really weird. Its sort of like your employer's IT department blocking the ports that Napster and AIM needed to run on back in the day, except this is the whole country. Have fun with that. :^)

Will said...

By the by, you can get a plugin for firefox (for OSX) that will allow you to access flickr despite the UAE's filter. It was made specifically to bypass the UAE's filter--google it and it should work for you.

That's what I used to get on flickr the whole time I was there!
